A Unique And Easy Way To Have Complete Clarity Progressing Your Patients Every Session So You Don’t Need To Always Rely On Your Hands-On Treatment

Discover This Simple Yet Effective System Used With World Class Athletes & Private Practice Patients To Achieve Fast, Long Lastings Results Without Taking Silly Risks Or Wild Guesses With Your Patients

If you want to work with highly engaged and motivated patients that flood your business with word of mouth referrals and literally DEMAND that you see them the following week for their next rehab progressions, this will be the most important course you’ll ever take.
Here is why: My name is Dave O’Sullivan and twelve short years ago I was struggling to keep my patients from dropping off or canceling after 2-3 sessions in my private practice. I had just started my business above a running shop – with no more than 10 patients a week and an old treatment bed I had bought second-hand.
I was desperately relying on my hands-on treatment to make up for my lack of clarity on how to progress patients. I would get good results in the first couple of sessions but then the progress would stagnate and patients would make excuses or just not show up at all the next session.
I did this five days per week for months on end trying to build the clinic up alongside my new job in pro sport. Grinding it out and “hustling” 14 hour days. The worst thing was seeing one patient after training then having to wait an hour due to a no-show or cancellation before seeing my final patient and not getting home until late in the evening.
Then, one day, I came up with a “crazy idea”.
That allowed me to take what I was learning pro sport and ‘implement’ it in private practice.
So instead of just going from session to session with a patient…
I Started Communicating With My Patients Like They Were My Head Coach In Pro Sport…
After a lot of practice, stepping outside my comfort zone and a tonne of trial and error…I finally developed a ‘step by step system’.
And everything changed for me.
I used this “step by step system” to quickly catapult me into building the #1 fastest growing physio clinic in my town that allowed me to go from one treatment room and one staff member (me) to five treatment rooms, a yoga studio, and gym in just 5 short years (all while still working in pro sport)…
But it’s not just me!

Listen, a part of this system’s success is that it’s SIMPLE for both YOU and the PATIENT! And this ability to double or treble your patient visit average ethically is all built while providing massive value to your patients and delivering results for them.
I’ve also used this step by step system to…
- Take back control in treatment sessions and not allow patients to dictate the treatment…(they were too passive on the treatment bed and just expected all hands-on treatment!)
- Transform patient buy-in, from barely showing any interest in the rehab… to asking for appointments the following week to continue to progress.
- Launch an internship program to train up another therapist to help me with the demand from 10 patients a week to 40+ a week CONSISTENTLY in the first 12 months of implementing… (Literally doing 15 hour days between working in pro sport and keeping up with demand)
- Get rid of feeling overwhelmed in sessions because I now had a clear plan in place from the initial assessment to the final session in order to achieve the patient’s desired outcomes.
- Eliminate feeling rushed in sessions because I was clear on what I wanted to achieve in the session and how to do it quickly and easily without needing just all hands on!
- Kept patients on board past the 2-3 session slump because they were continuing to make progress and they could see AND FEEL the difference.
- Decrease my cancellations and no shows to almost nothing because the patients were completely clear on the plan
- Grew the revenue, retention of past patients, and referrals to new records year after year…
Solo practitioners, all the way up to multi-clinic therapist owners have used this step by step system, to create a downpour of highly engaged and motivated patients that flood their business!
This is just one of the reasons I’ve been questioned by ‘internet gurus’ about the “ethicality” of this ‘step by step system’, but I’ll tell you more about that in just a moment.
However, before I do, let me first show you some more proof!…..
These Therapists Have Used Our Step By Step System

This Step By Step System Gave Me The Confidence To Make Decisions Throughout Two World Cup Final Weeks…

I’ve successfully deployed it in pretty much every clinical setting you can imagine, from private practice to national healthcare settings, sports injury clinics to elderly balance, and falls clinics…
It simply works in every single clinical setting you deploy it in…
You can use this step by step system and methodology for your own clinic to grow your revenue, retention and referrals!…
This isn’t some airy-fairy theory, rather clinic-tested tactics that are working right now.
You see, I’ve learned everything I know from hardcore, no bullshit, in-the-trenches experience, and that’s why I’m paying it forward to therapists like you so you can reach success faster and enjoy an even higher career progression.
Who Needs This ‘Step By Step System’?
- Are you a physiotherapist working in private practice or thinking of going into private practice…and want to wake up every morning knowing you’ll never be stuck with where to go with a patient again?
- Are you a chiropractor or osteopath – who would like to to finally develop the rehab knowledge to offer patients more than just hands-on treatment?
- Are you a sports therapist – who wants to bridge the gap from the bed to the high-end rehab exercises seamlessly without flaring your patient up?
- Are you a therapist working in the national healthcare setting…and want to challenge your patients with meaningful rehab that increases their confidence in you and themselves simultaneously?
- Are you a strength coach who likes to keep up with the hottest new ‘ahead of the curve’ strategies so you can better serve your athletes and allow them to perform to their potential without silly niggles getting in the way?
- Do you want to help people feel better about themselves, move better, and have more confidence in themselves?
- Do you want to become the ‘Go To’ authority in your town for helping people get back to their best?

Don’t be fooled by the name in thinking this cannot be used with non-sporting patients.
But I fully appreciate that you are likely skeptical, as the internet is full of phony “gurus” who sell you nothing more than empty promises and ‘sounds great in theory’ info – so I don’t expect you to blindly take my word……
Check Out Why Hundreds Of Therapists Are Saying About This System…

However, once you apply this system, you’ll probably want to spend much more time doing telehealth sessions as you won’t be requiring your hands as much… and I’ll explain why in the course.
At my clinic, we’ve successfully deployed this system in pretty much the middle of the pandemic with telehealth appointments, from back pain patients to knee pain, to Achilles issues to groin pain…
It simply works in every part of the body we’ve deployed it in…
You can use this step by step system and methodology for your own clinical caseload to implement the techniques to ANYONE!…
This isn’t some course filled with nonsense ‘theory’, no.
It includes the most concise, hardest hitting, no-holds-barred, and real-world-tested tactics – for immediately getting lasting results with patients.
You see, I’ve learned everything I know from hardcore, no BS, down-in-the-trenches experience…
And that’s…
Why This Is The Only Course Of Its Kind…. And Why It Will Transform Your Entire Thought Process And Your Career, Like It Has Mine…

No business loans, venture capital, or safety net.
I hustled, worked long hours desperately searching for a way to build a ‘Go To’ clinic.
Today, I have a team of 10 amazing employees, 5 treatment rooms and one of the fastest-growing clinics in the country that has both non sporting patients and world class athletes coming through the doors each day.
And it’s ALL because of this ‘step by step system’.

I don’t tell you all this to brag. I simply do it to show what is possible.
This ‘step by step system’ is 100% ethical… And can work no matter what you’re patient is struggling with.
And unless you’re lazy beyond belief – it can get you more patients, more buy-in and more engagement in your rehab that you could ever imagine.
And the crazy thing is nobody is doing this stuff besides my mentorship therapists!
What stuff? Well…
Here’s Just 50% Of What You Will Master In Less Than 6 Hours:

- Have The Clarity & Know How To Design A Complete Treatment Plan From Start To Finish While Giving A Confident Prognosis On How Many Sessions It Will Take
- Have The Confidence To Communicate Effectively With Your Patient So They Understand The Key Exercises And Progressions While Setting Realistic Expectations
- Guarantee Better Long Lasting Results For Your Patients While Spending Less Time Doing Hands On Treatment
- Know How And WHEN To Be Aggressive With Your Rehab. Know When To Back Off
- Understand When Your Patient Is Ready To Start Running Without Flaring Up
- Deliver Powerful Treatment Plans With Effective Exercises That Actually Work For Your Patients
- Ensure Your Patient Adheres To Their Treatment Plan While Progressing Every Session
- Never Skip A Step Again. Have Complete Confidence That The Patient Is Safe To Return To The Activities That Add Value To Their Lives
- Never Skip A Step Again. Have Complete Confidence That The Patient Is Safe To Return To The Activities That Add Value To Their Lives
- Get Your Patient Back Quickly And Safely So You Can Have The Reputation As The ‘Go-To’ Therapist In Your Town
Gain 2 Weeks Access To My Entire Return To Play System
Avoid My Biggest Fu*k Ups While Gaining The Exact Progressions I Use On A Day To Day Basis With Pro Athletes And Private Practice Patients…

Finally Discover How Easy It Is To Look At The Body As A Whole And Understand Clearly How To Progress Even The Most Complex Musculoskeletal Conditions Effortlessly
They don’t always follow text book presentations like the ‘twitter gurus’ led us to believe.
Even when I started working in pro sport with world class athletes 12 years ago…
There were times when I didn’t know where to go next with patients.
I’ll be honest. I took unnecessary risks trying to progress players too quickly only for it to backfire with a vengeance.
I had to find a better way to progress or regress a patient knowing that the athlete was at the appropriate stage of loading.
I then became obsessed with building a structured step by step progressive loading program that would take the guesswork out…
When the EMOTION of working in pro sport was high…
The result?
This system not only helped me in pro sport get to work with International teams but is helping over 500 therapists all over the world (in my mentorship program) eliminate the psychological stress of progressing patients in private practice.
These therapists are no longer worrying about patients cancelling, not doing their exercises or not responding as expected…
Patient are coming back motivated as they understand what they need to do to return back to their activities quickly and safely.
This structured step by step system is STOPPING the frustration of patients dropping off due to a lack of clarity or progress.
Therapists are no longer guessing whether they’ve “done enough”.
This Powerful system has stood the test of time not just on the World’s biggest stages, with high profile World Class athletes…
It’s also been used in my own private practice with my own private practice patients.
In just 6 hours, you are going to skyrocket your clarity, confidence, competence and results…
You will have peace of mind knowing that you’ve given the right treatment plan and the right progression at the right time.
With 2 weeks’ access you can truly master the entire online course by implementing everything in the real world and getting great long-lasting everytime.
Following this simple trusted system will accelerate your reputation ahead of any other therapist in your area – Guaranteed (Because you are looking at the human body very differently)!
Here’s What Therapists Are Saying…

These Therapists Have Confidence & Clarity Implementing The ‘Go-To’ Physio Lower Limb Return To Play Course Every Single Day
“It’s really practical so you learn something and you immediately use it which helps solidify in your head how you’re going to use it in the clinic.”
“Patients always ask when can they get back running again, and now I can tell them in confidence when it’s safe to do so.”
“The course will definitely help with my confidence, that was a big thing for me, it was to get confident when dealing with players and clients of all ages.”
“From What I’ve learnt, I can now see myself working a lot better with the teams that I’m working with but also in my private practice with anyone, from players to elderly patients”
But Your Situation Is Different And This Won’t Work For You…

The little voice in your head is probably muttering things like…
“This all sounds great”…. “But my situation is different and this won’t work on my type of patients”….
However, I will personally GUARANTEE you it will.
You see, if for some strange reason you try the strategies outlined in this course and they don’t EXPONENTIALLY grow your confidence and clarity, I’ll refund you the investment in the course within the first 7 days.
Sound fair?
After you take this course…
You’ll Know How To Take A Patient From The Initial Assessment Right Through To The High-Level Rehab Smoothly And Effortlessly Increasing Your Retention, Referrals, And Revenue Ethically!

Instead you’ll have patients booking in on your diary, asking to see YOU!…Even jumping through hoops and selling YOU on why you should take the time to book them in with you the following week!
All of this is possible because of the way this step by step system works.
I’ve created it using a combination of common sense logical progressions and a new approach called “The Graded Exposure Tripwires” that actually helps your patient see clearly that they either are or are not ready progress to the next stages of the program.
Yes, you heard that right. Your patient will actually do part of the decision making for you when you use this new approach I’m including in my course.
It contains every single progression to flood your business with ‘highly engaged and motivated’ patients that I use in my own clinic, and for hundreds of my mentorship therapist’s businesses.
Finally, you will learn these simple yet unknown strategies too…
Here’s What To Do Next

There Is Absolutely No Catch, Whatsoever!
And I know there are some CPD programs out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they only give you a little bit of information and you have to upgrade and pay more for the next level of the program that charges your card every month.
This isn’t one of them.
There’s NO hidden “next level program”, hooks, gimmicks or shenanigans of any type.
I’m literally giving you this short course for 14 days, all I’m asking is you help me out and consume the content and take action and let the results speak for itself.
Why Am I Giving You My Complete Step By Step System For Such A Low Investment?

1) As a means of putting my best foot forward and demonstrating I can help you by actually helping you.
2) To demonstrate the value of mentorship. Look, success doesn’t come easy, and no one manages to make their dreams a reality without a combination of hard work and others opening and holding the door for them from time to time. This is my way of ‘mentoring you on my mistakes and successes’. As this course is the exact roadmap I wish I had when I was starting out in private practice 10 years ago.
3) And because I’m sick of all these “twitter gurus” ranting and raving and telling you just need to strengthen this and strengthen that and everything will be sorted when it’s clearly not that easy. This course will show you how to look at the body as a whole, respect the nervous system, and implement exercises that get results.
And look, just to be crystal clear…
There’s no obligation now…or…at any time.
My hope is that you’ll love this course, you’ll see how simple this stuff can actually be and this will be the start of a good relationship for years to come. Yet with all that said, you need to….
Hurry, This Offer Is Extremely Limited And Won’t Last Long!
If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time with no notice.
To ensure you don’t miss out, act now…
My Totally Outrageous, ‘Real World’ Guarantee
I’ll even take it one step further…
If you try the strategies outlined in this course and they don’t EXPONENTIALLY help you improve your confidence and your patient’s results, let me know and I’ll refund you the cost of the course please you can keep the PowerPoint slides just for the inconvenience.
That’s right. You don’t even have to send anything back.
Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I’ll give you back your course fee with no questions asked within the first 7 days.
How’s that for fair?
Claim Your Course Now And You’ll Also Receive These Free Bonuses!
PLUS! You’ll get all the extra Q and A’s I done on that course included. So you’ll get the short sharp version and also the MP3 version of the Live Course to listen to in the gym or in the car on the way to the clinic.

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Seat Now Before They’re All Gone…
Dave O’Sullivan
I’m heavily discounting the EXACT step by step system I’ve used to build a word of mouth clinic for me and my mentorship therapists.
The course is heavily discounted, and all I ask is you consume the content and apply it in the real world with your patients.
P.P.S This is a very limited offer because I usually charge £147 for the live class. Once these limited seats are sold out we’ll have to put the price back up again. So act now and get your discounted course seat.
There is no “catch” to this course. You will not be getting any ‘brain hacks’ or complicated overwhelming strategies or anything like that. No shenanigans of any kind.
P.P.P.S I’m so confident this course will have a profound impact on your business, that if it doesn’t, let me know and I’ll even give you back the money you spent on the course within the first 7 days. You don’t even need to send the powerpoint slides back.
Click here and claim your seat now.
You won’t regret it

About Dave O’Sullivan
Dave is also currently working with Huddersfield Giants, Warrington Wolves and Hull F.C and mentoring their Head Physiotherapists along side working with Professional Golfers and other top sporting professionals.
Dave set up The ProSport Academy ‘Go-To’ Therapist Mentorship in 2015 to give therapists an opportunity to learn how to treat the cause and not just the patient’s symptoms. Dave teaches his exact assessment, treatment and return to play rehab progressions in the mentorship alongside in-depth clinical reasoning of understanding the WHY. Dave has now mentored over 200 therapists from Ireland, U.K, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, U.SA and Canada.